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3Novices:Flash report - First meeting of the Steering group on Promotion and Prevention (29 November 2016)

3Novices:No safe exposure limit for UV radiation from sunbeds, concludes SCHEER

3Novices:Call for tender to support an expert network on health workforce planning and forecasting - Deadline for Applications: 30 January 2017

3Novices:EU action to tackle chronic diseases: New Steering Group on Promotion and Prevention meets today!

3Novices:Presentations - Expert Group on European Health Workforce (22 November 2016)

3Novices:Implant provides a way out for 'locked in syndrome' sufferes

3Novices:OPEC agrees first production cut in eight years

3Novices:Eurozone inflation continues to rise

3Novices:Brexit's footsoldiers fight the metric system, one street at a time

3Novices:Could Italy's referendum deliver a Brexit and Trump-style shock?

3Novices:Fighting dementia with gaming

3Novices:Fire at Turkey school kills 11 girls, one teacher

3Novices:US Q3 GDP growth beats estimates

3Novices:Luxembourg PM says UK can't 'have cake and eat it' with Brexit

3Novices:Smart Specialisation Toward Economic Growth

3Novices:Does Smart Specialisation Indicate A Reforming Europe?

3Novices:Nuclear diamonds could solve clean energy problems

3Novices:Tunisia 2020 seeks to reverse foreign capital investment flight

3Novices:Italian banks face sluggish response on cash calls as capital crisis looms

3Novices:World in focus - best photos for November 29, 2016

3Novices:Samsung set for biggest change in company's history

3Novices:France's Francois Fillon emerges as new hope to keep far right at bay

3Novices:Fair finance or funny money? Scepticism greets Zimbabwe's new bond notes

3Novices:WTO finds against Boeing in victory for Airbus over illegal subsidies

3Novices:Interact with Virtually Real Art in London

3Novices:OECD sounds optimistic about short-term global growth

3Novices:Fluid glass in windows developed in Liechtenstein which could provide an energy source

3Novices:Samsung reportedly considering splitting company in two

3Novices:Oil falls again, dragging down dollar

3Novices:English football rocked by players' claims of child abuse

3Novices:President of Chechnya praises Saudi Arabia in service of Islam

3Novices:Indicators on crude birth rate updated with 2015 data (ECHI 2)

3Novices:Presentations - Plenary meeting of the European Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (24 November 2016)

3Novices:Presentations - High level group on nutrition and physical activity (23 November 2016)

3Novices:Meeting between Stakeholders and representatives of members of the CASoHO (2 December 2016)

3Novices:Agenda of the meeting of Competent authorities for blood and blood components (1-2 December 2016)

3Novices:France confirms ISIL's links to five terror suspects

3Novices:Morocco's moves to aid SMEs in the digital era

3Novices:A green-fingered entrepreneur in Gothenburg

3Novices:Black Friday boosts online sales in Britain and France

3Novices:Alitalia under fresh pressure to axe 2,000 jobs

3Novices:UK growth remains firm despite Brexit vote

3Novices:Health-EU Newsletter - Antimicrobial Resistance

3Novices:Turkish army blames Syrian government for killing its soldiers

3Novices:Queen should pay for Dh1.7bn repairs to Buckingham Palace, not taxpayers, say Britons

3Novices:Morocco's building trade goes green hot on the heels of Cop 22

3Novices:Glitter garbage Trump makes Christmas trees great again

3Novices:Can we deflect asteroids?

3Novices:Making plastics from natural products, not oil

3Novices:German economy is Trump resistant...for the moment

3Novices:Crossroads podcast: Russia from Grozny to Aleppo: a look at the parallels — Ep 17

3Novices:Euro zone faces tense times in the wake of Brexit and Trump warns ECB

3Novices:Cloud nine as Ctrip buys Skyscanner for $1.75bn

3Novices:Russia from the Caucasus to the Syrian desert: an explainer

3Novices:Public Consultation on the mid-term evaluation of the 3rd Health Programme (2014-2020) opens today!

3Novices:Important information for submitters: Submitters are advised to continue with their submissions and await the response for submissions already sent to the EUCEG system. More information here…

3Novices:Press release - Europeans live longer, but extra years are not always spent in good health

3Novices:Commission kicks off "State of Health in the EU" cycle with the OECD's new "Health at a Glance: Europe" report

3Novices:Post-truth era

3Novices:Nazi-obsessed extremist jailed for life for murder of British MP Jo Cox

3Novices:Britain's Brexit bonanza: slower growth, inflation and more borrowing

3Novices:How mobile phones are helping the blind to see

3Novices:World Bank warns populism risks global economic outlook

3Novices:Record post-election highs on Wall Street

3Novices:Euro zone consumer confidence rises in November

3Novices:Turks turn up the heat on Kurdish militants

3Novices:Making the most of precious water in Morocco

3Novices:UK borrowing falls unexpectedly but debt remains high

3Novices:British teens drink a 'bathtub' of sugary drinks a year

3Novices:Two Qatari women robbed on Paris motorway in €5m heist: police

3Novices:Turkey PM withdraws controversial child sexual assault conviction bill

3Novices:Spain's exports boost helps trade deficit drop

3Novices:Draghi sees green shots of recovery across eurozone

3Novices:Facebook to boost UK staff at London HQ

3Novices:ITU Telecom World shows off connectivity of the car

3Novices:International innovation in Isantbul's Teknopark

3Novices:Oil prices surge up on output cut hopes

3Novices:Digging deep to help Europe's soil

3Novices:Here Be Dragons as UK property sector enters uncharted territory after Brexit vote

3Novices:May pledges to make Britain corporate tax haven

3Novices:Build to rent bucks trend in the UK

3Novices:French right holds high-stakes presidential primary

3Novices:Germany's Merkel 'to seek re-election as chancellor'

3Novices:Europe on alert over bacteria breaching man's last defence

3Novices:EU Health Award 2016 shortlisted NGOs announced on European Antibiotics Awareness Day

3Novices:With 'grim' situation at home, Turkish Nato officers seek asylum

3Novices:Draghi defends bank regulation, says eurozone recovery not yet strong

3Novices:OPEC deal optimism pushes up oil prices

3Novices:Turkey debates bill to quash child-assault convictions if man marries victim

3Novices:Dollar muscles ahead, strongest since 2003 against basket of currencies

3Novices:BC-EU--Britain-Girl's Remains, 2nd Ld-Writethru,740<\n>Dying UK girl convinces judge to let her body be frozen<\n>AP Photo TH101

3Novices:Volkswagen slashes 30,000 jobs to save billions

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