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3Novices:MH17 downed by missile transported from Russia: Dutch-led investigation

NIEUWEGEIN // The missile that brought down Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine two years ago was transported into the area from Russia, a Dutch-led investigation found on Wednesday.

"Based on the criminal investigation we have concluded that Flight MH17 was downed by a Buk missile of the series 9M83, that came from the territory of the Russian Federation," said Wilbert Pualissen, head of the central crime investigation department of the Dutch national police

He added afterwards that the missile launcher system "was taken back to Russia".

Communications intercepts showed pro-Moscow rebels had called for deployment of the mobile surface-to-air weapon, and reported its arrival in rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine, Mr Pualissen said.

That, along with other evidence collected by the team investigating the downing of MH17, enabled them to reach their conclusions, he added.

* Agence France-Presse, Associated Press
3Novices Europe

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