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3Novices:So what? Experts draw lessons from across Europe on strategies to assess quality of care

3Novices:Credit Suisse bosses face anger from shareholders

3Novices:European mobile roaming charges cut again

3Novices:Eurozone GDP back to pre-2008 crisis level, unemployment falls, inflation down

3Novices:Waste not, want not. Business Planet looks at the food we throw away

3Novices:Amazon earnings jump, cloud services unit excels

3Novices:Carl Icahn sells Apple stake over China concerns

3Novices:JRC call for expression of interest for external experts - Supporting the development of the European Breast Guidelines and of the future Quality Assurance Scheme for breast cancer services. Deadline for applications: 10 May 2016

3Novices:Blog post by Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health & Food Safety - "Vaccination: a health-protecting and life-saving gift for all of Europe's children"

3Novices:US economic growth brakes sharply in Q1

3Novices:Tough times for tourism in the Middle East

3Novices:Czech Republic or Czechia? The debate goes on

3Novices:Russia launches first rocket from new cosmodrome in far eastern region

3Novices:VW warns of big challenges ahead

3Novices:Flight cancellations, protests continue in France over labour bill

3Novices:OECD warns of 'Brexit tax' if UK leaves EU

3Novices:Bank of Japan says no more stimulus for now, markets and yen react badly

3Novices:Women will do everything to safeguard their babies' health – 'Together' pilot project publishes results of zero measurement on pregnant women's attitudes towards healthy lifestyles

3Novices:Braking bad: auto industry plagued by scandals

3Novices:US Federal Reserve keeps interest rates unchanged

3Novices:Russia wants powerful Syrian opposition groups listed as 'terrorists'

3Novices:UK economic growth slows

3Novices:Artificial limbs allow wounded Syrians to get on with life

3Novices:Mitsubishi scandal drastically hits Japanese orders

3Novices:As iPhone sales slide, what is Apple's next big money maker?

3Novices:Hundreds of flights cancelled in Germany amid strikes

3Novices:Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam handed over to France

3Novices:Has the rot set in to Apple?

3Novices:Conference on Migrants and Health actions funded under the EU Health Programme 2008-2013 and 2014-2020 (Lisbon, 12-13 May 2016)

3Novices:Reports on quality and safety standards for human blood, tissues and cells published today!

3Novices:Religious push sparks secularism row in Turkey

3Novices:No interest rate change expected from Federal Reserve policy meeting

3Novices:Surprise fall in French jobless total, but underlying trend still grim

3Novices:Saudi Arabia responds to low oil prices with economic reform plan

3Novices:How a few grains of pepper unlocked the Esmeralda mystery

3Novices:Families of victims of the Hillsborough stadium disaster celebrate verdict

3Novices:BP considers more spending cuts after 80 percent profit drop

3Novices:Scandal engulfing Mitsubishi widens with new revelation about testing methods

3Novices:Hillsborough disaster: 98 fans were 'unlawfully killed' in 1989 sporting catastrophe, jury concludes

3Novices:England's junior doctors begin all-out strike

3Novices:Jordan's Queen Rania visits refugees on Greek island of Lesbos

3Novices:British retailer BHS goes into administration, 11,000 jobs could be lost

3Novices:Queen Rania visits refugees on Greece's Lesbos - in pictures

3Novices:Think big, think hybrid at the Beijing auto show

3Novices:A migrant's journey: The story behind the face

3Novices:A migrant's journey: The story behind the face

3Novices:Putin and Assad pop up in Syria's war souvenirs

3Novices:Philips split: IPO likely for lighting division

3Novices:Business mood sours in Germany

3Novices:Brussels bomber was ISIL jailer of foreign hostages in Syria

3Novices:VW counts cost of emissions scandal as other German carmakers join massive recall

3Novices:How abolishing taxes saved a dying Hungarian village

3Novices:Eurogroup: progress but no Greek reform deal yet

3Novices:US authorities ask Mitsubishi about falsifying mileage data

3Novices:Daimler faces US emissions investigation

3Novices:Volkswagen reaches deal over emissions scandal for drivers in United States

3Novices:Flash report - Audio conference of the HSC on vaccine shortages and AMR (15 April 2016)

3Novices:Closing event: Joint Action on Health workforce planning and forecasting (3-4 May Mons Belgium)

3Novices:Exclusive: Greek PM says crisis nearly over no more austerity needed

3Novices:ECB pledges low borrowing costs 'as long as needed' but no helicopter money

3Novices:UK government could take stake in Tata steel as part of rescue plan

3Novices:ECB leaves rates unchanged despite German criticism

3Novices:Tesla Model 3 orders hit 400000

3Novices:Xbox 360 killed off

3Novices:VW nears deal with US authorities over diesel emissions cheating - reports

3Novices:Mitsubishi centre raided as Japan probes faked fuel economy tests

3Novices:Britain's Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 90th birthday

3Novices:Workshop report - Optimising the Continuous Professional Development of Health Professionals (Brussels 11 February 2016)

3Novices:Conference: "Towards better prevention and management of chronic diseases" 21 April Brussels

3Novices:Mapping of More Stringent Blood Donor Testing Requirements - Mapping Exercise 2015

3Novices:Cheap oil and the music industry's digital revolution

3Novices:Moscow wins Yukos ruling

3Novices:Kuwait oil workers end strike crude prices fall

3Novices:EU charges Google with abusing Android dominance

3Novices:#HijabDay at Paris university divides opinion

3Novices:EU charges Google with abusing Android dominance

3Novices:Mitsubishi admits rigging fuel economy tests

3Novices:Tata Steel management buyout plan in the works

3Novices:India accused of flip-flop on Koh-i-Noor diamond

3Novices:'Even a psychologist would need help here': uncovering the hidden war in Eastern Ukraine

3Novices:Britain's Prince William dismisses 'workshy' accusation

3Novices:Intel to cut 12000 jobs as it refocuses away from PCs

3Novices:New information on the endorsement procedure for potential ERN candidates re Malta Spain Germany Finland the Netherlands and Norway

3Novices:Health Inequity Pilot Project will help understand health inequalities related to alcohol consumption nutrition and physical activity better

3Novices:China's steel output increases as talks on global glut fail

3Novices:Kuwait oil workers strike buoys crude prices

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